Konzeptionelle Flexibilität digitaler Audioproduktion
Methodische, pragmatische und organisatorische Prozesse digitaler Audioproduktionsparadigmen und deren konzeptionelle Flexibilität im Rahmen einer rein rechnergestützten Aufnahmeumgebung
© 2008 Marco Nassenstein M.Sc.
Dieses Werk ist für den privaten Gebrauch freigegeben.
Alle genannten Markennamen sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber.
The improvements in digital data processing had an enormous impact on most human endeavours. Ideally effort decreases and flexibility increases in relation to task completion. That is also the case within the framework of the extensive domain of audio production, where a paradigm shift occured, which leaves an ideational value to the analog recording machines of the past at best. How (and to what extent) this new digital flexibility affects the final audio product will be shown in this thesis with the help of an example song.
But new innovations in technology raise new problems. Thanks to new technologies, musicians do not necessarily need to work at the same time or place to record their music. Instead, people around the globe collaborate, only connected by their love of music - and the Internet. Which problems occur through time zone differences, written communication, and inferior quality recordings and how these problems can be solved – sometimes only with the help of modern audio production software – will be discussed.
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Den Song The Quest for Gold kann man hier im MP3 Format herunterladen (7 MB):
https://www.enuma-elish.de/files/Enuma Elish - 02 - The Quest for Gold.mp3
Alternativ steht der Song in einigen anderen Dateiformaten zur Verfügung (WAV, FLAC, OGG):
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